

Our Kickstarter fell short of our goal and we didn’t get our funding. Fear not, we have a backup plan! You can get all of those great rewards at with no conditions or limits. #williamshakespeare #titusandronicus #bitterpill #indietheater #indiemusic #indieart


Paperus airplanisus. Why? Come see Titus and find out! #williamshakespeare #titusandronicus #kickstarter #bitterpill #indieart #playersring #coolstuff (at PPMtv – Portsmouth Public Media)


VIP tickets, pie, vinyl, oven mits, and more. Pledge now and get cool stuff! #williamshakespeare #titusandronicus #kickstarter #bitterpill #indieart #playersring #coolstuff


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bitter Pill (@bitterpilltoswallow) on Apr 12, 2018 at 10:32am PDT // Thank you to our first few backers! Here is a musical teaser of a song from Titus. Give, get, spread the word! #williamshakespeare #titusandronicus #bitterpill #kickstarter #crowdfunder #indietheater #indieart #playersring


// Here it is, our Titus Kickstarter! Be a part of bringing this bloody beast of play to the stage and oh, hey, looky, we are making a record (12 songs)! Give, get, and spread the word. Support indie art! #kickstarter #bitterpill #williamshakespeare #titusandronicus #indieart #indietheater