NH->BRKLN and back again. Had a blast recording our straight-to-vinyls today with Delaney at the @leestavall studio. Thanks for all the love internets! #bitterpill #leestavall #brooklyn #vinyl #straighttovinyl #oldtimey #handmaderecord #lofi #monorecords #prepareyourturntable https://www.instagram.com/p/BtINwu3nBIY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2hc8as2zwj91

Today is the last day for free shipping! Use the code: GRISWOLD for your personal copy of a song of your choosing. Perfect gift for the hipster in your family. Here is the dealio…. We will be doing a live session with Leesta Vall Sound Recordings this January at their Brooklyn studio to create a…